
Decentralized Inkwell


Hello, I am Eloise Becaurte. I am a Belgian novelist, essayist, editor, and professor. I contribute to insightful explorations of race, gender, trauma, and identity with my work.


Select a membership

  • Bronze manuscript  Membership
    Bronze manuscript

    Bronze manuscript

    0.0001 ETH

  • Silver manuscript  Membership
    Silver manuscript

    Silver manuscript

    0.00015 ETH

  • Gold manuscript Membership
    Gold manuscript

    Gold manuscript

    0.0002 ETH

About Decentralized Inkwell

Decentralized Inkwell is a literary space to share the passion for ideas between the lines. The decision to open this Club was to tackle significant issues I experienced as a writer. First of all, I want to be more connected with my audience. The club publishes my work in a decentralized manner that allows for direct interaction with readers and eliminates intermediaries like publishers. My readers can contribute to my work by buying memberships in exchange for more premium material. Second, the Decentralized Inkwell helped me to establish and maintain my reputation by providing a transparent and immutable record of my achievements, such as awards, publications, and reviews. This can help me build credibility and attract new readers. The third and final point, my Club enabled me to collaborate more easily and securely. For example, I used the quest features to add an editor to make changes and revisions of my latest work in real-time, ensuring that all contributors are appropriately credited and compensated. What I received from my Club so far was more control over my publications, greater transparency and security, and new opportunities for collaboration and revenue generation.

That is why I invite you to join Decentralized Inkwell either as a fan or a supporter. I can bet a book that you will not regret it!